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Select Menus

Select Menus are interactive components that can be added to messages to allow users to select options from a dropdown menu.


import { defineSelectMenu } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineSelectMenu(
    type: 'User',
    placeholder: 'Choose a user'
  (interaction) => {
    interaction.reply(`You selected an user!`)

Select Menu Options

Select Menu can be customized using the following options:

  • id: The unique identifier for the modal.
  • type: The type of the select menu. Can be String, User, Channel, Role, or Mentionable.
  • placeholder: The placeholder text displayed when no option is selected.
  • disabled: Whether the select menu is disabled.
  • minValues: The minimum number of options that must be selected.
  • maxValues: The maximum number of options that can be selected.

Using Select Menus

Select Menus can be imported using getSelectMenu function and be added to messages using the components property of the interaction.reply method. You can use the useActionRow function to create a row.


import { defineCommand, getSelectMenu, useActionRow } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineCommand(
		description: 'Choose user.'
	(_, interaction) => {
		const selectMenu = getSelectMenu('choose-user')
		const row = useActionRow(selectMenu)

			content: 'Choose a user.',
			components: [row]


The getSelectMenu function is used to import the select menu with the specified ID. By default, the ID is the filename without the extension.

Released under the MIT License.