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Commands are the primary way to interact with your bot. They are triggered by a prefix followed by a command name and any arguments. Commands can be used to perform a wide range of actions, from simple responses to complex operations.

Command Structure

Commands are defined in separate files within the commands/[category]/ directory. Each command file exports a function that defines the command's behavior.


import { defineCommand } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineCommand(
    description: 'Pong!'
  (client, interaction) => {
    interaction.reply(`Pong ${}ms!`)

Command Options

Commands can be customized using the following options:

  • name: Will automatically use the filename if not provided.
  • description: A brief description of the command.
  • category: Will automatically use the parent directory name if not provided.
  • options: A record of options that the command accepts.
  • nsfw: Whether the command should only be available in NSFW channels.
  • userPermissions: An array of permissions that the user must have to execute the command.
  • guildOnly: Whether the command can only be executed in a guild.
  • preconditions: An array of preconditions that must be met before the command can be executed.
  • autocomplete: A function that responds with autocomplete options for the command.

Command Options

Commands can accept options from the user. Options are parsed automatically based on the provided type.


import { defineCommand } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineCommand(
    description: 'Kick a user from the server.',
    options: {
      user: {
        type: 'User',
        description: 'The user to kick.'
      reason: {
        type: 'String',
        description: 'The reason for the kick.'
  (client, interaction, context) => {
    const { user, reason } = context.options

    interaction.reply(`Kicked ${user.username} for ${reason}`)


Preconditions are used to restrict access to commands based on user permissions, roles, or other conditions. Precondition functions are defined in separate files within the preconditions directory.

The file name must be used in the preconditions property of the command. For example with the precondition defined in preconditions/ownerOnly.ts:

import { defineCommand } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineCommand(
    description: 'Evaluate JavaScript code.',
    args: {
      code: {
        type: 'String',
        description: 'The code to evaluate.'
    preconditions: ['ownerOnly']
  (client, interaction, context) => {
    // Command logic

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