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Buttons are interactive components that can be added to messages to allow users to interact with your bot. They can be used to trigger commands, navigate to URLs, and more.


import { defineButton } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineButton(
    label: 'Say hello!',
    style: 'Primary'
  (interaction) => {

Button Options

Buttons can be customized using the following options:

  • id: The unique identifier for the button.
  • label: The text displayed on the button.
  • emoji: The emoji displayed on the button.
  • style: The style of the button. Can be Primary, Secondary, Success, Danger, or Link.
  • url: The URL to navigate to when the button is clicked.
  • disabled: Whether the button is disabled.

Using Buttons

Buttons can be imported using getButton function and be added to messages using the components property of the interaction.reply method. You can use the useActionRow function to create a row.


import { defineCommand, getButton, useActionRow } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineCommand(
		description: 'Say hello!'
	(_, interaction) => {
		const button = getButton('hello')
		const row = useActionRow(button)

			content: 'Click the button to say hello!',
			components: [row]


The getButton function is used to import the button with the specified ID. By default, the ID is the filename without the extension.

Released under the MIT License.