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Harmonix is designed with practical default settings to boost your productivity.

Harmonix is preset to handle a broad range of use cases right out of the box. To customize these settings, users can modify the harmonix.config.ts file.

Harmonix Configuration

Located at the root of any Harmonix project, the harmonix.config.ts file provides a way to override the default bot settings.

Below is an example of a configuration file. It exports the defineHarmonixConfig function, which includes an object representing your specific settings.

import { defineHarmonixConfig } from '@harmonix-js/core'

export default defineHarmonixConfig({
  client: {
    intents: [...]

Environment Variables

Harmonix supports the use of environment variables to store sensitive information, such as your bot token. You just have to add a .env file to the root of your project and include the following variables DISCORD_CLIENT_TOKEN:


Released under the MIT License.